Friday, July 26, 2013

The first

I've tried many attempts at blogging, journaling, and the like and it never sticks. Lack of things to say? Hell no! I have a lot to say. So why then? Because I've been too timid to just post whatever I wanted. What a silly thing! This is my blog, my words, my life.

I've been toying with a new life philosophy of just doing whatever the hell I want to do. I want to wear bright orange lipstick and a weird flowy shirt? I'm going to do it. I want to cross-stitch and watch 4 movies in a row? That's my plan then. Obviously, I still have to do life things that suck like laundry and cleaning, but those things make me happier after the fact, so there is a place for that too. This life philosophy is more about doing the things that make ME happy and not worrying about what any one else thinks about it. To embrace that I don't have to be normal, I just have to be me. Because who is normal anyway? What is normal? If there is a normal, it's probably super boring.

The painting I did above (her name is Sassy Lady) perfectly exemplifies this new philosophy. Many times while drawing or painting previously, I thought about what other people would think about it. Would they think its good? Bad? With Sassy Lady, I just did whatever I wanted to do. I told myself it didn't have to go anywhere, it didn't have to be pretty. It just had to be fun. And it was SO much fun! It's so liberating when we stop caring about what others may think. I think that when we stop caring what others think, confidence and happiness come flooding into our lives.

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